About My Savvy Finance

Hi, I am Judith Moor. I am glad you are here.

In 2016, I found my self in so much debt which came from different areas. Even though I would not have classified any of it as bad debt as the money was all used for worthy causes, it was a huge burden on me and my family and we struggled to pay. Some of this debt even arose from helping others, which is one of the lessons I have learned in my journey. Help should not become a burden to the person rendering the help.

We were looking forward to purchasing our own property which is yet another good debt, but we couldn’t qualify for a good mortgage amount for our property because of the other debt we had. So what was the option, go on renting for more or pay off the debt to qualify for the mortgage amount we needed. This is over £20000 worth of debt we are talking about.

Pregnant and my family growing, we really needed a bigger place and renting was just not an option as the opportunity cost just didn’t make much sense. So, pay off the debt within a short time frame was the only option.

Being an accountant who understands money in the first place and also money management skills I had learnt over the years, ways to beat the banks in their own game and use the resources available wisely, I had to emback on a money management and debt repayment journey.

With what I have learned over the years and what I am still learning to manage our day to day finances, I believe this blog will help you provide some guidelines to help you manage your finances, get out of debt if you are in debt and generally take the stress out of money and help you live in financial peace.

Here is To Helping You Take The Stress Out Money.